Who We Are

What is a Community Garden?

A vegetable garden grows vegetables. A flower garden grows flowers. A community garden grows communities.

A community garden is a place where you can rent a small bed or plot and grow your own food, vegetables, flowers, or whatever strikes your fancy. However, it’s more than watching plants grow. It is about learning, and connecting with others. It’s about teaching children where our food comes from, and the importance of good soil and a healthy diet. A garden teaches perseverance and the joy of seeing your work produce something that benefits you and your community.

Join your neighbors in producing something pretty or tasty. Expand your palette. Be brave. And have fun.

The Edison Community Garden Initiative

Over the past two years, a group of Edison residents planned and advocated for the building of community gardens for the benefit of Edison residents. The township of Edison has graciously agreed to fund the construction of the first-ever community garden at Swales Park.

The Edison Community Garden Initiative is part of Beautiful Edison — a Registered New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation and is a Section 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation.